Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Baby Pea - 6 weeks

Hey there, Baby B.

I told your Dad that I hadn't been writing to you lately because I didn't have anything nice to say...but he told me to write anyway.  How else are you supposed to know what we went through to get you here?

I have been sick, sick, sick.  I know I shouldn't blame that on you, because you're just doing what you're supposed to: growing and making your little home in there.  But my goodness - take pity on your mama!  Last week, it was like slight seasickness - kind of like being on a rocking boat for too long, and it would come and go.  But this week, I'm nauseated constantly, sometimes so badly that I have to throw up!  The last thing I want to do is eat, but I have to force the food down to make sure I get good nutrients and calories to you, my little pea.  When I eat, I feel sick.  When I don't eat, I feel sick.  It's awful!  The only thing that keeps me going is knowing it will all be worth it as soon as I have you in my arms.

To make matters worse, I'm struggling with bronchitis and can barely breathe.  I have to take antibiotics, which makes me nervous, but the doctor said it's perfectly safe and won't harm you a bit.  I'm still nervous.

On a brighter note, I bought some yarn to make your first baby blanket this week.  Since we don't know whether you'll be a girl or boy, it's a mix of colors - reds, yellows, blues, oranges.  I think you'll like it.  I also got yarn to make one for your little cousin, who will be about 3 months older than you.

Last week, we had our first doctor's visit and they recalculated your due date - turns out, I am not as far along as I thought, so you are only 6 weeks old in there.  Next week, we'll go back for an ultrasound and hopefully get to see you for the first time!  This week, your little arms and legs are forming, and so is your brain.

I love you, Baby B., and I don't care how sick you make me - I'm glad you're on the way!


Mama B.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Mustard seed - 5 weeks

Hey there, Baby B.

Today we were tired - very, very tired.  Well, I don't know if you were tired, but I sure was.  And sick - almost like being sea-sick, but all. day. long.  Maybe you'll like the ocean.  If you're anything like your Dad and his family, you'll have to live on or near water and have access to a boat.

My little pregnancy tracker tells me you are 5 weeks old today, even though you've only actually been in there about 3 weeks, and now the size of a mustard seed.  You're still getting comfortable in there, and are working on burrowing in for the long haul.  I hope you do a good job - I want you to stay.

Your Daddy has already been talking to you, even though I'm pretty sure you can't hear him.  He presses his whole face to my tummy and says, "HIIIIIII, BABY MUSTARD SEED!!!" right at you.  He's hoping you can "feel his vibrations" and know that it's him.  He wants you to stay, too.

Tomorrow we're going to visit your grandparents.  They don't know about you yet, but they will soon.  They've also been waiting a long time for you, and they are going to be so excited.  You should expect to see them a lot.

OK, Baby.  I'm going to bed, even though it's only 8:30.  You and I need lots of rest.


Mama B.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Poppy Seed - 4 weeks, 6 days

Hey there, Baby B!

I just found out about you today, and let me tell you, it was a surprise!  This is how it happened:

Last week I suspected you might be in there (because of certain little signs...I'll explain when you're older) so I bought a test to find you out.  Even though your Dad asked me to wait for him to take the test, I woke up at 3 in the morning and I just couldn't wait - and I didn't have to wait long!  The test popped up positive right away, and I made a big noise of surprise - it woke your Dad up and he jumped right out of the bed!  We couldn't get to sleep for a long time afterward; we just lay there talking about you and giggling.  We are over the moon with excitement and love for you.

You see, it's been just us two for almost seven years (and your big brother Sammy Dog - you'll meet him soon), and we sure are ready for you to come along.  We bought you a house and picked out the room that's going to be yours, and we picked out names for you.  I've even knitted you two little sweaters (one of which looks just like the jacket Link wears in your Dad's favorite video game, The Legend of Zelda).  We have dreamed about you for a long time and we can't for you to arrive so we can meet you in person.

I spent most of today doing research to make sure I'm taking good care of you.  Sammy Dog and I took a walk to get you some exercise, and you seemed to like it - it was the one time all day that I didn't feel nauseated.  You seem to like crunchy things to eat, like nuts and raw vegetables, and creamy things like yogurt and avocado.  I learned that you are the size of a poppy seed; you don't have arms or legs yet, and are mostly a ball of cells, but in a couple of weeks you'll have a heartbeat and buds where your limbs will be.  Over the next 9 months I will be building those limbs and that little heart, along with your blood and brain and even your bones, right inside my own body.  I will give you everything I can to make you healthy and strong.

I'm also going to write to you every day, or as many days as I can.  I want you to know the story of how you were made, so you can read this later and know everything about yourself from the time we first knew you existed, if you want to.  Mostly, I just want you to know how loved and cherished you are.


Mama B.